Not As Man Sees…

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1Sa 16:7 NAS77)

The average male CEO on the Forbes 500 is 3 inches taller than the average male.  Women consistently rate men over 6 feet tall as more attractive than men of less than average height.  Body Mass Index is now a prime consideration in looking for the next guy in line for the corner office.  We are judged by our physical appearance continually.  (WSJ article, USA Today article)

“It’s not fair!”, we exclaim.  They don’t even know the real me . . .

But then again, we tend to be our own worst critics.  We don’t measure up to our own standards.  I’m not good enough.  I always screw up.  I’m not worth it.  I’m too small.  I’m not smart.  I’m weak.  We can find failure in victory.  We can find any number of reasons why we are not allowed to do well.

But, fortunately for me, “God sees not as man sees …”

Not even this man!

I am the one that Jesus loves, and, in Him, I am enough.


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One Response to Not As Man Sees…

  1. Barbara Phinney says:

    amen brother

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